Water color painting of The Rockford Carnegie Library
"My Hometown - Rockford, Ohio" series
The Rockford Carnegie Library staff and board members would like to thank Tammy Pontsler and family for graciously donating the "My Hometown - Rockford, Ohio" watercolor series for permanent display. Tammy's late husband, Jeff Pontsler, was a man with many talents and a love for his community. In his own words he describes working on one of these illustrations. “Next up in the "My Hometown - Rockford, Ohio" series...Started this late last night, finishing up with the sketch and then watercolor wash this evening. I'm going to be featuring, as a collective work, drawings/paintings of local businesses, industry, churches, houses, unique architectural elements, etc...all from my favorite place - the place where I grew up, and am proud to say, have lived most of my life - Rockford Ohio!”

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