This multidisciplinary database provides full text for periodicals, reference books, and primary source documents on a range of subject areas, as well as large collection of photos, maps, and flags.
MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more.
Middle Search Plus provides full text articles for more than 140 popular, middle school magazines as well as thousands of biographies and historical essays.
Netwellness provides information created and evaluated by medical and health professional faculty at Case Western Reserve University, The Ohio State University, and University of Cincinnati.
Newspaper Source provides cover-to-cover full text for more than 40 U.S. and international newspapers, as well as selective full text for 389 regional U.S. newspapers.
The Ohio Means Jobs website helps employers find great employees, provides resources to help job seekers find great careers, and provides resources for students to plan for their futures.
The Ohio Web Library is an evolving collection of thousands of online publications and research resources provided by Ohio libraries to all Ohio residents.
Oxford University Press provides new comprehensive collections of in-depth, peer-reviewed summaries on an ever-growing range of topics in the humanities, social sciences, and science.
Points of View Reference Center is a full text database designed to provide students and schools with a series of controversial essays that present multiple sides of a current issue.